Direct Mail- The Smart Choice for Businesses

Direct Mail- The Smart Choice for Businesses

976 549 Myles Robinson

Forget the headlines on Facebook and Google; old school Direct Mail remains an essential and statistically superior marketing tool.

Believe it or not, even the internet giant Google uses direct mail.

Yes, the heavyweight of PPC and SEO still use direct mail to target business clients and consumers- but why would they do this unless this time-honoured marketing method was still very much significant?

Let’s Look at the Figures

Charities have been using direct mail for a very long time to promote their cause and increase donations.

Additionally, the latest statistics show that charities spend a higher proportion of their advertising spend on direct mail, £239m out of 394m, compared to other forms of advertising.

In 2016, businesses invested more than £1.5 billion into direct mail as well as direct mail accounting for 13.9% of all advertising spend and 26% of all income in the business mail sector.

In a report conducted by the Direct Marketing Association, it was found that the response rate for direct mail to an existing customer averages 3.4%, which might not seem a lot until it gets compared to the email marketing customer average, coming in at a measly 0.12%.

Direct mail has also been found to offer a high return on investment especially compared to online advertising, specifically that an ROI of £3.22 can be achieved for every £1 spent on direct mail, compared to £3.12 for every £1 spent on online.

Countless Benefits

The Royal Mail has also developed some fascinating benefits for direct mail, including-

Personalisation- The latest figures show that 92% of all direct mail is opened and 48% of people have said they have taken action due to engaging with the content.

This effectiveness is due to the personal touch within direct mail compared to an email’s synthetic and methodical appearance.

Direct Mail uses the most up-to-date technology in data and print to help you create a unique, customised piece that will target your customers directly in an effective way.

Integration- Creating an integrated campaign adds another dimension to internet marketing as direct mail can reinforce messages seen in poster campaigns and adverts in the press. It can provoke people to visit websites and social media pages, raising more awareness for your business.

Targeting-  Direct mail can be targeted more successfully than TV or radio adverts, provided you have a good database to use. Don’t worry if you don’t have a database, a mailing house that offers Direct Mail Services will help you here. They can update data to build relationships with potential customers and ensure more successfully targeted mailshots.

Measuring-  By enclosing a return envelope or an order card, you can accurately assess the number of responses and make the most of the measurability of Direct Mail.  Alternatively, provide the customers with unique email addresses, phone numbers or discount codes so when they contact you using one of these, it can easily be tracked and recorded that the source was from a recipient of the Direct Mail that was distributed.

The Real Deal- In our experience, nowadays, the internet is fleeting, making it very easy for potential customers to delete multiple messages at once, therefore neglecting the opportunity to read marketing emails. Figures reported that 92% of all mail is opened, and 48% of people take action from them. Responders said they valued something more if they could both see and touch it rather than only being able to see it.

With so many benefits, it is no surprise that Direct Mail is still popular, so why not start planning your campaign today?

For more information on our direct mail and bulk postage services by the Direct Mail Company, please feel free to get in contact today at or call us on 0808 2533 836.


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