How To Create An Effective Postcard Marketing Campaign

postcard marketing

How To Create An Effective Postcard Marketing Campaign

1024 683 Myles Robinson

Postcard marketing is a smart strategy for promoting your business, product, service or event.

There is a long history of successful direct mail campaigns and mailshots using postcards.

By sending postcards as your marketing campaign, you can craft a clear, accurate message delivered to the hands and eyes of your customers.

This article shows you how to create an effective direct mail postcard campaign...

How To Create An Effective Postcard Marketing Campaign?

Postcards are the least expensive form of direct mail.

Sending our direct mail marketing provides customers with something they can physically hold in their hands.

Did you know there is a 79% engagement rate for postcard direct mail, so you can be assured that your customers are reading it?

6 Tips For An Effective Postcard Marketing Campaign

Here are our six tips for an effective postcard marketing campaign:

  • Cleanse Your Data – Ensure the data for your campaign is the best it can be; this is crucial to the success of your campaign. Cleansing your data and filtering out poor data will maximise your ROI.
  • Make An Impression – An effective postcard must be attractive, memorable and compelling. Using high-quality images and graphics that will catch your customer’s eye.
  • Emphasise The Benefits Of Your Products or Services – Don’t confuse your audience with technical jargon they need to research. Instead, focus on the benefits they get if they try out your product or service.
  • Make The Offer Clear – Could you ensure the message is clear, simple and to the point? Don’t fill your postcard with unnecessary images and content that confuse your audience. The purpose of the postcard is to be short and snappy. Ensure the offer is clear and the recipients know what to do.
  •  Create a Powerful Call-to-Action – After letting the recipients know about the offer, you need to tell them what they need to do to take advantage of it. Creating a powerful call-to-action will ensure your recipients take you up on your offer.
  • Measure Results –  After your postcard campaign has ended, measuring your results is always good practice. Analysing your results shows how close you were to the original aims and if you achieved a positive ROI. Measuring your results will highlight what worked well and what may need changing for the next campaign.

Sending A Postcard Marketing Campaign With The Direct Mail Campaign

The Direct Mail Company is a professional mailing house that mails hundreds of thousands of postcards a year.

We specialise in the UK and International direct mail fulfilment. Outsourcing your campaigns to The Direct Mail Company will save your business time, effort and usually a significant amount of money.

Not only do we offer mail fulfilment services, but we also offer bulk postage rates guaranteed to be cheaper than stamps, franking and mail mark franking. Due to the high volume of mail we send each year, we offer much lower postage costs than standard and franked bulk mail.

Just because we offer much lower postage rates for mass mailings doesn’t mean we compromise on quality.

We always ensure your mail is delivered on time, using Whistl, Citipost, UKMail and Royal Mail to deliver the final mile.

Please contact us today at 0330 818 2404 or email with your enquiry.


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